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[http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1427365/Janet_Teakettle_photos_Jul2011.zip Janet's photos from Teakettle Jul 2011 in a zipped archive]
[http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1427365/Janet_Teakettle_photos_Jul2011.zip Janet's photos from Teakettle Jul 2011 in a zipped archive 22MB]
[http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1427365/Janet_photos_NCEAS_Sedgwick_May2011.zip Janet's photos from NCEAS and Sedgwick May 2011 in a zipped archive 89MB]

Revision as of 11:35, 23 July 2011

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M2M: Do microenvironments govern macroecology?

Schedule of Events

Meeting Notes


Useful papers


Other stuff


Janet's photos from Teakettle Jul 2011 in a zipped archive 22MB

Janet's photos from NCEAS and Sedgwick May 2011 in a zipped archive 89MB